In Every Issue
- ‘State of the Discipline Comparative Literature and Transdisciplinarity’
- ‘CL History Comparative Literature and the Arts through an Interdisciplinary Lens’
- ‘U Views Until the Dragon Comes: Geocriticism and the Prospects of Comparative Literature’
- ‘Media X Building Branded Worlds: Marvel’s Cross-Media Strategy’
- ‘Encountering the “Other Spaces” in China Miéville’s The City & The City’
- ‘Environmental Discourse: Spatiality, Power and Non-Human Concerns in Monique Roffey’s The White Woman on the Green Bicycle and Sun Dog’
- ‘What Difference Does a World Make? Terraforming and Comparative Literature’
- ‘Poetry and Translation as Exile in Baudelaire’s “Le Voyage” and Tsvetaeva’s “Plavanie”’
- ‘The Specters of Mekong: The Interruptions of Historical and (Trans)National Hauntologies in Paul Adirex’s Mekong ’
- ‘Taming Cannibals: Race and the Victorians by Patrick Brantlinger’
- ‘Realism and Space in the Novel, 1795-1869: Imagined Geographies by Rosa Mucignat’
- ‘The Rumor of Globalization: Desecrating the Global from the Vernacular Margins by Bhaskar Mukhopadhyay’
- ‘Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture by Francesca Orsini’
- ‘Interdisciplinary alter–natives in Comparative Literature by E.V. Ramakrishnan’